Hi! I have an important update for you dear awakened Readers! Please read this letter and share it far and wide! THANK YOU in advance!!!
That being said, I can address the topic at hand.
There is currently an issue in the awakened community.
Starting from popular Intel Providers fans and ending with flat Earthers. And
of course everyone in between, like Daily spiritual sites visitors and even
currency speculators. Now for me, anyone can be called awakened at least to a
minimum degree if the person disbelieves the current matrix and is seeking to
live outside of it or to break it or to fix it, you get the idea. And there are
plenty of people who want to do exactly that! I would say their whole life
purpose becomes reaching that dream… and reaching it as fast as possible..
But... There is only one problem. They don't do anything!!
You see they want to do something so much yet they usually end up doing
nothing. And it would be even more accurate to say that they simply don't KNOW
what to do. Now I know people will bash me for saying that because they DO have
a good point. The awakened community is NOT bad! When it comes to meditation,
for example, they do magnificent work (as seen by the latest mass meditation)
and they also proved that they can unite very well when it is needed!
(Especially when their Intel providers unite, that is) So there is no problem
there. However, once the meditations are over and everyone has calmed down and
released their expectations once again... A question arises - What do I do now?
- Seems like a simple question yet no answer arrives. From anyone. Intel
providers usually get especially silent!
And so everyone just goes back to their "waiting
mode" and stops there. Nothing. No more action. That was it. That was the
best community COULD do and still believes that's the best thing they CAN do...
Which is wrong! Obviously! You can do a lot more! A lot! And I don't mean some
work which makes you come out of your skin, a task which requires some crazy
amount of money or some kind of sacrifice. I don't mean flying to a mountain,
mass meditating, planting rocks or buying some kind of currency. I don't have
any problem with those kind of activities! I am just offering you an
alternative. Something that is free, available at all times and doesn't require
you to move anywhere. And that is...
Inner work!! Of course right? That's such a popular topic
nowadays. And yet not many understand the real meaning behind that term. And
even less people acknowledge its importance. Well, I am here to fix just that!
You see inner work is such an important thing that I personally consider it to
be the MOST crucial part in the awakening process and even in liberation of our
whole planet(more on that later). But because almost no one explains it, nor
encourages it, this has become quite a lost topic. Unimportant. With no
Now I know that SOME Awakened community representatives did
acknowledge the importance of inner work and even endorsed it. But that's about
it, as far as I have seen. Almost NO expanding on the subject, no in depth
discussion. The topic quickly comes out and vanishes equally fast. Boom!
Nothing. People are confused. They ask - What did he mean by Inner Work, higher
self connection, I AM presence, etc.? What exactly do I need to do? - and
receive no answer. Or usually, the community just ignores it altogether because
of how the topic was presented, spontaneously and without further
And so people fall into "waiting mode" again. They
seek more news, more Intel, more exterior drama. More, more, more!!! Like a man
on drugs, they continue to look outside of themselves, for answers, for clues,
for clarity, for anything. And like to all addicts, this addiction brings a lot
of pain. Disappointment, confusion, and only more questions, exactly the
opposite what they have looked for. It's a never ending, descending spiral.
Bringing the vibes lower and lower. And people easily get stuck in it! I talk
from experience!
But what is the answer? I have found it. And I want to share
it with you, my readers. The answer is of course in you, not outside of you.
That same inner work that I talked about earlier will give you a huge boost on
this path to find YOUR Inner Self. Your TRUE Self. And MERGE with that great
being. To ALIGN with it completely. And finally, find your own happiness and
So what is my proposal? I offer you a new perspective from
outer to inner. Because in my opinion the inner deserves a lot more attention
than ANY outer! So start with that inner. Listen to it. It may be hard at the
beginning and that is why I offer you to do some inner work first. And the
first thing I want to start with is... Well, we all know we are creator beings
right? Right?... Well not really. And I say this not because I am mean but
because so many from the awakened community actually act NOT like creators but
like victims. Plainly victims. There is no reason to hide this because we all
fall for this trap. You may ask what do I mean when I say acting like a victim?
The answer is that every time you diminish yourself is when you really act like
a victim. Especially every time you say you can't do anything and have no
impact on Earth you act like a victim… Let me explain.
Don't get me wrong. There are indeed bad situations that
happen in life, especially in Lightworker's life, however, the degree to which
people fall into victimhood sometimes boggles my mind. It is completely
irrational and is purely fear based! YOU ARE ALL CREATORS. YOU ARE ALL PART OF
ONE BIG WHOLE!! To say that you have no power in your life is simply
misleading. You ARE the creators of your life. There are only two choices.
Either you acknowledge yourself as a creator being or you acknowledge yourself
as a victim. Either you create your life or you are a victim to the drama
you are a puny mortal human in a constant struggle. The choice is yours. And
ALWAYS will be yours to make, whatever any Intel
provider/site/channeling/man/woman/Jesus/Obama or extraterrestrial tells you.
The final word will always come from you.
Because you are always in charge of how YOU will create your
reality... But I said enough in this paragraph.
What I want from you now is to make a choice. 1 or 2. Simple
really. Creator or Victim. Who do you choose? If you made the Creator choice
continue reading. If not… well... you can continue as well! For the Creator
group, however, I have some good news. You are progressing! Admitting your
creator nature is the first step to master that nature! Now that you decided
that you are a Creator what do you do? And with that, we return to inner work
once again.
You would heard by now the law of attraction, did you not?
This is just slightly different. You see, as a Creator being you are like a
magnet. But this magnet is a Special one. It pulls everything that resonates to
it's own frequency, to its own vibration. Your social circle, your
circumstances, your life events, everything. Now, this is all good. If you are
a really clean, bright magnet. However, if you have a dirty, grey magnet you
would immediately realize that it pulls things that are far from what you like.
It would pull equally "dirty" and "grey" events towards
you, it would pull the same kind of people toward you. In short, it would make
your life a nightmare! And would make you look like a total victim. Total
victim to the outer world...
But you would not be a victim! You simply attracted all of
that yourself. Do you see the logic? And the absurdity of the victim concept
now? You will soon. Just keep reading. Now the whole premise of the inner work
IS cleaning that magnet of yours. Make it clean, make it bright! Of course,
many of the awakened community magnets are a whole lot brighter than a sleeper
magnet. But before we stroke our egos lets acknowledge the fact that we also have
a great deal more of the tasks to handle, of the responsibility to liberate our
mother Earth. So setting pride aside lets jump to business.
To clear YOUR magnet, first, we need to understand what IT
contains, what the components are. And the answer to that is Choices! And
Beliefs! (Which are basically the same thing as choices just repeated long
enough) and Habits! (Which are again based on your choices one way or the
other) and your whole lifestyle (which once again... builds upon your choices)
So as you see. It's all choices, choices, and choices which
again points to the fact that you are indeed a Creator of your life. But I
digress. Let's just look at the components.
Choices, Beliefs, and Habits which build your whole
lifestyle. Now that we have these components it's time to heal them! And get
that magnet of yours clean and bright. Obviously, I cannot know ALL of you
beliefs and choices. Only YOU do. Buts that's OK. It's called inner work for a
good reason, is it not?
What I offer you know is to write down all of your NEGATIVE
beliefs and habits. These are things and choices that no longer serve you on
your Creator Path. Let me list a few popular examples:
1) A belief that you are unworthy (for ANY reason)
2) A belief that you are miserable and stuck on this planet.
3) A belief that you have no power on your life. (That you
are basically a victim to your outer circumstances)
4) A belief that you need an external event
(Extraterrestrial contact, NESARA, Trump impeachment, a lottery win, etc) to be happy.
Now that I have written this list I am going to go one by
one through all of these beliefs and debunk them. Healing them will be a whole
lot easier if you have a good explanation of why they are simply inappropriate.
Let's start:
1) A belief that you are unworthy
Well, this is a frequent one. This belief is highly
inappropriate because you are all worthy if you know you are a Creator being!
Get rid of that belief right away. If you have that belief because you have a
disability, then fear not because you are still worthy as much as any healthy
being. Because all have their own paths. All have their own different life
contracts. For their own purposes. You are in a perfect body and in a perfect
place and time for the exact experience that you desire! You are Creator being
remember? There cannot be a single thing that is against your free will one way
or the other. That is the whole premise of being a Creator being. So thinking
that you are a victim to any of your issues and feeling unworthy because of it
is plainly silly! And if you are feeling unworthy because you think you don't
contribute enough to the world then read on. Because this letter is perfectly
suited for you! In short, you are PERFECT! For the exact life, you are born
for! There is always a higher plan. So love yourself. Just as you are!!
2) A belief that you are miserable and stuck on this planet.
This one is easy. First, you are not miserable! Only if you
choose to be, that is! You are a Creator being remember? And second, you are
not "stuck" on this planet. You are agents of transformation! You are
the creators of the New Age! You are what pushes this Ascension! So you can
relax, my friends. The mission is far from easy but it's still only a mission.
You were never stuck. It was a choice all along!!
3) A belief that you have no power on your life.
As I already stated in my previous paragraphs. You are a
special magnet! Another metaphor would be to say that your outer life is a
reflection of your inner state. So it is always the inner that effects the
outer. How is this possible? That is another topic. For now, you can believe
anything from thinking that you travel timelines; universes, or that you simply
pull everything with the same vibration, or something else, or everything at
the same time. There can be many explanations but the point remains. One thing
for certain is that you are FAR more powerful than you think you are! What do
you think this phrase means when all of these sources/sites/channellers tell
you this?? They mean exactly that! That YOU are the Creator of YOUR life!
4) A belief that you need an external event to be happy.
This one is probably the most tricky of all. And most
addictive. So how do we get rid of it? Let me tell you MY story. You see the
number one reason everyone is so addicted to this belief (in the awakened
community) is that they didn't find their purpose yet!! Yes! Simple as that. I
can tell from my own experience that I have been sitting on this belief for a
loooong while. Almost a year! Probably even more. Depending on the degree of
how severe it was. Actually, I had this belief from my early childhood, wanting
to be rescued out of this world because of how lonely I felt. I waited for
anything! Even Apocalypse would be fine. As long as my outer world would change
in any way, so I can feel less isolated and less painful... That was a stupid
idea of course. But, so was my escapism. When I grew up, getting my hand on all
of this juicy conspiracy knowledge my cravings for big changes only increased.
They were just much more logical now. But the same concept of escapism
remained... I only looked on the outer and only waited for the outer…
And so years passed. I looked for dates, I counted dates, I
lived through dates. But nothing was happening. Nothing. It was a heartache. I
was lost, confused. I didn't understand why do I deserve such a torture! - Why
can't I finally be free!! And more importantly, why can't I finally EXPRESS MYSELF
FREELY!!! - These were my thoughts... On my journey...until now. Until a few
months actually, when I turned inward and finally understood what I needed to
do all along. When I finally moved from victimhood to Creatorhood. And so I
began my inner work. It was long and hard at times. But I made it through. I
have made a new choice, I have made a turning point and I was NOT going to back
And so I healed myself. And became quite a bright magnet.
Which felt awesome! After so much time in confusion and pain, the life was
smiling at me again. And recently I found even more clarity! That happened when
I found my own purpose! And it truly completed the picture. I had no regrets.
It was a magical time for me. Still is!!
So what do I offer you again? First, I offer you to turn
inwards and do some healing there, I am pretty sure we all have swamps to
clear. And second, when you are done
with healing or at least in the middle of the path you can begin to look for
YOUR purpose! Your GIFT to share! And I can honestly promise you this:
When you will truly find Your Purpose, Your Great Gift, you
will no longer look back at this belief ever again. You will simply be too
excited to work YOUR gift, to live YOUR purpose. You will not be willing nor
have time to get disappointed over any failed dates or promises or any other
drama in the outer world. You will simply live your life. A new blissful life!
Now I know some will say - What is the point of doing all
this? It can benefit me sure, but it doesn't benefit the planet at all! Isn't
it selfish to live like this?! You are simply deceptive!! Cabal!!! - To
which I will calmly respond: No, it's not selfish, its actually the most
unselfish thing to do! Let me explain. I talked about us all being like magnets
correct? Well if go further down this logic chain then you might also see that
the whole collective consciousness field of this planet is like ONE big magnet!
You see? That means every time you clean YOUR magnet, you also clean the
Collective Magnet a bit too! Because you are a part of it! And so the more you
heal yourself and the more others will heal themselves, the more the whole
Collective will be healed! It's an upward spiral! Accelerating more and more.
With even one single being able to make an enormous impact on the whole if he
is completely healed and embodies his True I AM presence. Imagine if the whole
Lightworkers community would do that!
So save yourself! And save the planet! Participate in the
liberation process! Isn't this an intriguing invitation yet? And I haven't even
told you just how much your life will change when YOU change yourself. Just how
many surprises await you on your journey. Just how wonderful will it be! And if
you have a full intention of reaching those heights, it won't be a problem at all!
I can promise you will be delighted. So start now! Don't wait! Go and look
within. What would you like to change about yourself? What beliefs no longer
serve you? What habits, addictions no longer serve you? What lifestyle do you
want to live and be example of? Is that of kindness, forgiveness, love? Maybe
all at once? Don't push yourself though. Go with the flow. Write things down.
Transform them one by one. Don't rush, take your time. And transform all these
choices into new ones. Make yourself anew!
And with that all being said we can finally end this letter.
It was LONG, I know. But it was worth it... Or was it? That is up to you, of
course, my dear reader. Your choice, as always! To take this invitation and use
this gentle push to finally change your life, to take that risky turn and reap
the rewards, to completely let go of your previous lifestyle which you are so
tired, confused and had enough of... and embrace this tempting new One!
It will still be a process. Don't expect changes overnight
(but don't think there will be none too), however, once you have started
brightening up YOUR magnet you will surely notice that your whole life is
starting to equally brighten! Along with the whole world!!
And that is the wonder of Inner Work.
And the power of the Spirit!
Thank you for reading!
I have written enough here...
Now is YOUR turn.
If you want to know more about your Creator nature, and have
a much more detailed explanation of how to get there, please read The Ascension
Papers. It is free HERE. I am not
the writer of the book nor am I paid to advertise it but I would make a
profound disservice to this letter if I don't add this life changing of a book
from which I got most of my inspiration to write this letter. Plus, the author
has all kinds of great stuff on his site so I highly recommend you check it
Have a nice day!
Have a nice day!
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